medieval culture

Travel back in centuries to visit the medieval castles and forts that can be found in the region. Meander through their walls and imagine life back in medieval times.

You can find many different castles and forts that still maintain the spirit of what they stood for in the past. Some were built as forts in order to protect the feudal lords and their properties and other were fortresses which were noble buildings serving as strategic points of defense. Most of these buildings are situated in the most beautiful natural areas of Galicia. Today they serve as points of reference for different political and social movements.

If you like to travel back in time, visit these castles and fortresess: the Castillo de los Andrade in (Pontedeume), the Castillo de Moeche in (Moeche), the Castillo de San Felipe and Palma in (Ferrol), La Concepción Castle in (Cedeira) O Casón in (Ortigueira), the Pardo de Cela Fortress in (Alfoz), the Medieval walls in the town of Mondoñedo and the Castillo de San Damián in (Ribadeo)

Come and appreciate the history and the legends in each one of their corners!
